Updates About EVERYTHING!

Updates About EVERYTHING!

It feels like the only thing I’m doing around here is planning for our upcoming spring retreats! And we’ve got a few spots left if you’re feeling like getting out of dodge. Get more details here! But a little more info:

Each three night retreat weekend is all inclusive! All food, bevs, and classes are included in our pricing.

April Retreat - We have a wide variety of accommodations left for April, including twin bed triple occupancy for $1200 up to king bed double occupancy for $1800.

May Retreat - The two spots left are a king bed double occupancy with a shared bathroom available for $1600 and a king bed double occupancy with a private bathroom available for $1800.

Reply to this email with any questions or to grab a spot!

If you haven’t joined The Party yet you should click over and take a look! Our community of 240 members share WIPs, FOs, and TONS of inspo, participate in KALs (Yoke Along is happening now during weekly virtual knit nights, but everyone is getting pumped about Vest Fest!), and our new monthly event series called Level Up kicked off with a Color Theory talk that you can watch the recording of.

This month our Level Up topic is how to look at knitwear pics for red flags - is the fit of that sweater bad because the model has her arms up in every pic? (spoiler alert: probably!) Do you really want that sweater or do you just want to be that model? I can’t wait!

I needed to post photographic evidence that I was on my porch on Saturday knitting and chilling with a beer. Because today my porch has 2” of snow on it. Springtime in Chicago is a roller coaster!

I hope you’re hanging in and finding time to sneak in a little self care, too.

Join my Bang Out a Felix KAL!

Join my Bang Out a Felix KAL!

A Note from Allyson

A Note from Allyson