It's Me Made May!

It's Me Made May!

It’s May which means it’s ME MADE MAY! A yearly challenge to makers to wear me mades every day. While I’m in head to toe me mades most days, I usually focus my challenge to help push me to choose different items, mix up my styling, weed out makes that aren’t getting any wear, and look for any wardrobe holes.

Things have really changed for me ahead of Me Made May 2022 - I'm no longer a shop girl! These days I'm mostly home on zoom, so party on the top and PJs on the bottom, with very few adventures out into the world. So I'm planning on using this month to help me decide what to get rid of so I have a smaller wardrobe that reflects my new lifestyle.

If you are interested in following along check out the hashtags on instagram #memademay2022 and #mmm22 for so much inspiration!

Join Sock Pals!

Join Sock Pals!

Join my Bang Out a Felix KAL!

Join my Bang Out a Felix KAL!