A Plug to Party

A Plug to Party

I wanted to give a little plug for my social network LauraAllyson.Party. I hosted an event there last night and we got to chatting about how nice it is to have community without needing to leave the house! And we’ve been saying that since COVID, right?

But as we started venturing back outside those virtual communities dissipated, and their value lessened for a lot of us.

Or maybe we didn’t fully appreciate their importance in our lives! With Tiktoc’s shut down/Trump publicity stunt/uncertainty, and with META’s fact checking failure and Zuck kissing the ring, I’m seeing a lot of people I follow delete their accounts and leave these platforms while also talking about how much that social media community and the connections they have made has meant to them.

I’m struggling as a small business that uses META to sell my services, and I would never tell anyone what is right or wrong here or what to do because I don’t know myself.

I’ve always been a person who appreciates what social media can do to connect people! I don’t undervalue that, and I would have a really hard time without the connections I’ve made through instagram and the connections I’ve maintained because of instagram.

I met a woman named Jenn while I was on vacation in 2017 and, because of instagram, I was able to keep a super friendly relationship with her on the other side of the world. That wouldn’t have been possible without the easy chit chat that can happen on that platform. I also would never have know that she died of cancer a couple of months ago. And I’m feeling that loss of friendship in the same way I would be feeling that loss if we lived in the same city, you know? That is a powerful thing you can have online.

Anyway. I’ve been thinking a lot about a lot of things! And the thing I keep coming back to is how happy I am to have LauraAllyson.Party! It’s a safe space away from X and META, and the virtual events really do make me feel connected to people during the loneliest month, during a loneliness crisis, in the darkest timeline.

If any of this resonates to you I would invite you to give us a try! Especially if you just deleted instagram and tiktok is giving you the heebie geebies. That highlighted link will give you a free month - it’s $10/mo after that. I just really think it’s great! I would be saying these things even if my face wasn’t all over it haha.

Alright that’s all I’ve got. Thanks, friends!

February Calendar Wallpaper!

February Calendar Wallpaper!

🧶 Knitting my Feelings!

🧶 Knitting my Feelings!