Deep Dive: Twigs Your Way!
Deep Dive: Twigs Your Way!
I get a lot of questions about what this class is all about, so I thought I’d take a few minutes and give you a hard sell on my Twigs Your Way class!
The Twigs by Junko Okamoto
I say in the class listing that this is a great introduction to designing your own sweater because we take the rules of this sweater, apply our gauge, and modify the stitch counts throughout to get a sweater that fits you perfectly! You don’t have to come up with anything new, you just need to crunch some numbers and have fun with it! It’s a perfect gateway drug to designing sweaters completely on your own.
This sweater was knit in one of my previous sessions of this class by Laura D.! You can see how beautifully she laid out her colors, modified the motifs, but kept the sleeve ribbing! She’s a rock start - I couldn’t do it! haha
So what do you think?! You in for it?!
Please comment or hit me up at if you have any questions! Otherwise get yourself registered and start stash busting / yarn shopping! Class kicks off on March 16th!